Tuesday, 2 April 2019

Blog 2 April 2019

Welcome to the last Headmaster’s Blog before the Easter holiday. 


Firstly, I would like to thank the many students and the Parents’ Association for organising Saturday’s MGS PA Spring Fair.  The fine weather helped to create a lovely event compared to last year’s when we were battered by the Beast from the East.  Thank you to everyone who came along and exchanged a few £s for a few hours of fun.  The total raised was in excess of £3000.


Yesterday the new Student Leadership Team spent a day away from school having some prefect training led by Mr and Mrs Sewell and Ms Kruppa.  The 18 students had to complete a number of task throughout the day which were designed to develop leadership and teamwork skills.  I went along at the end of the day to see what they had learnt.  A good day was had by all.


Tomorrow the 1st XI Football Squad and 1st XV Rugby Squad play the Old Maidstonians in the annual School vs. OM football and rugby matches.  It will be good to see and catch up with former students who are back home for a few days, and be able to do this in the new sports pavilion.  If you would like to come along kick offs are at 2.30pm, but please do sign in at reception when you arrive.  Good luck to both teams.


Friday is the final day of term so the usual final assemblies and slightly earlier finish will be in place.  I would like to take this opportunity in wishing you all a restful and relaxing Easter holiday.