Tuesday, 18 December 2018

Tuesday 18 December 2018

Welcome to the last Headmaster’s Blog of 2018.

Firstly, thank you to Tonbridge House for their charity day last Friday which raised money for Young Minds.  With Christmas being just around the corner the theme for the day had a festive dimension.  Mr Holmes, the head of Tonbridge House, dressed up as a Christmas tree, with many of his prefect team wearing festive jumpers and acting like his little elves.  The highlight of the day was the lip-sync battle in the Hall at lunch, where Mr Holmes had transformed himself from a Christmas tree to Freddie Mercury!  Well done all and thank you for supporting the day.

Continuing the Christmas theme, today and tomorrow the catering team serve the students and staff their Christmas lunch; Barton and College students today and Corpus Christi and Tonbridge houses tomorrow.  Do enjoy the lunch and let us hope the students eat their sprouts!

Tonight after school we invite Old Maidstonians who left last year to return to their school to receive their A Level certificates.  A number of the year group are returning to receive applause for their achievements but also to see each other again and to catch up.  The occasion is always an enjoyable one.

Thursday is the MGS Carol Service which takes place at All Saints Church at 7.30pm.  The Service will follow a traditional format: hearing lessons and singing carols, before we all enjoy a mince pie and glass of mulled wine.  If you are free then please do come along.

And Friday is the end of term before we break up to enjoy a couple of weeks with our friends and family.  I wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

Tuesday, 11 December 2018

Tuesday 11 December 2018

Well done and thank you to the entire cast, crew and supporting members of staff for three enjoyable performances of this year’s school pantomime Treasure island.  It was a typical pantomime with cheeky one-liners and cheesy musical numbers, and with of course, audience participation.  Good job everyone.

At the weekend the school rugby squads should have been out in force against The Judd School.  Sadly, due to the water-logged pitches all matches, apart from the 1st XV, were postponed.  The 1st XV squad was able to play away at Judd due to them having an all-weather pitch.  The squad sadly lost 34 – 12, but the score does not reflect the fight and spirit in which the boys played.  For a long time the score line was 10 – 5, but during the second half the wind picked up in Judd’s favour, and so we struggled to get into their half.  Well done boys though for an exciting game to watch.

Tonight is the first school parents’ evening of the year.  Year 12 students and parents will find out how the first term has gone following a very demanding start to sixth form and A Level studies.

Tomorrow and Thursday year 8 students will be off timetable to take part in a careers themed day.  These days signify the start of the process in which the boys begin to think about their futures and how those thoughts will determine what GCSE subjects they will choose for next year.
Also on Thursday, as well as Friday, a group of year 7 students will be enjoying a day out of school visiting Bletchley Park.  The trip is being led by the mathematics and history departments and is one that I have wished to see in schools for many years.  Thank you to Mr Gokool and Mr Wrein for organising.
Friday is a day year 11 students will be aware of.  It is the day the students receive their mock examination results, and following on from last year’s introduction, they will receive them in the same way as they would in August next year.  Good luck boys and make sure you learn from what you receive.
Also on Friday we are looking forward to the second house charity day of the year, this time it is Tonbridge House’s turn.  The house is raising money for Young Minds and will involve the usual non-uniform arrangements, Tonbridge tutors dressing up as Christmas characters, but will also include a Lip-Sync Battle in the Hall between staff and students.  Also this charity day dovetails with our annual ‘Quid And A Can’ Appeal where we ask students to not only contribute a £1 for wearing non-uniform, but also to bring a food item which can be donated to the local homeless charity.  Thank you in advance for all of the organisation and support.

Thursday, 6 December 2018

Tuesday 4 December 2018

I cannot believe it is December already.  With only three weeks of term left, where did the last three months go?

Last week we spent two days interviewing candidates for the role of Deputy Head.  I am delighted to announce that Misis Johnson has been successfully appointed.  Following the two-day rigorous process across a variety of tasks and interview panels Miss Johnson displayed both passion and exceptional leadership qualities.  She will be an outstanding deputy headteacher.  I am sure you will join me in congratulating her and wishing her the best in her new role.  

We returned to school on Monday following a weekend when the CCF cadets enjoyed their first recruit camp.  A number of younger cadets experienced their first opportunity being out in the field supported and accompanied by staff and more senior cadets.  The weather played its part sadly, particularly on Saturday, but everyone returned with smiles.
Also at the weekend, MGS competed for the first time against 15 other grammar schools at Maidstone Crown Court in the Bar Mock Trial. 16 students across key stages 4 and 5 represented the school and put in an excellent performance.  Many thanks to Mr Ferguson who accompanied them.

The main focus for this week is the school pantomime.  Technical and dress rehearsals take place today and tomorrow in preparation for three performances of Treasure Island on Thursday, Friday and Saturday starting at 7pm.  Good luck to the entire cast and crew, and thank you to the members of staff who have been supporting the students over these last couple of months.  Do come along, tickets are still available.

Congratulations to three students: Marcus Stephens of Barton House who has been awarded a Try Angle Award that recognises exceptional achievement and good work of young people and  Matthew Hau of Barton House and Joseph Pickard of College House who both took part in the recent Maidstone Music Festival, and have been invited to perform at the Maidstone Young Musician competition for 2019.  Well done boys.