Tuesday, 30 October 2018

Tuesday 30 October 2018

Welcome back to the start of Term 2; I hope you all had a good break.  


Despite it being almost two weeks ago I would like to thank everyone who supported the Year 6 Open Evening which took place on the Thursday before we finished for the half term break.  There were over 300 students present on the night acting as guides and helpers supporting staff selling their school to interested families.  There were many, many positive comments from visitors who enjoyed seeing what we do.  Thank you all very much indeed.

The school is once again open for visitors this Friday at 9am but this time for students and their families wishing to consider MGS as a place to study A Levels.  This open morning will be followed by our Post 16 Open Evening taking place next Wednesday.

Tomorrow is the first of our performing arts showcases.  The Autumn Showcase, which starts at 6.30pm, will be an evening of music, theatre and performance from both students and staff.  Do come along to the drama studio.

We are all looking forward to this Saturday’s event: The MGS Parents’ Association Annual Firework Display.  This is the PA’s biggest event and one that draws many hundreds of people from the school and the wider community.  Do come along if you are free.  Gates open at 5.30pm with the fireworks beginning at 7pm.  Tickets can be purchased from the Bursary or on the gate.

Thank you to Jonah Diomede of Tonbridge House who performed at a Young Lives Foundation charity event a couple of weeks ago.  The organiser of the event said, “Jonah was absolutely fantastic and a real credit to the school. Many guests commented on how skilled and effortlessly he played – he really is gifted.”

Congratulations to Finlay Lodge of Corpus Christi House who took part in the Elite Open International Karate Championships, which took place in London on Sunday 21 October.  He fought in the U16 lightweight category and won all his fights leading up to the final. He subsequently won the final and took home the gold.  Well done Finley.

A couple of weeks ago I acknowledged a few students who attended the Young Leaders in Cricket award ceremony.  Congratulations also must go to Michaela Karassellos of College House.  She received special recognition for her volunteering contribution: a staggering 279 hours over the season. As a thank you from the ECB she will get to spend a day training with the England women's team in Loughborough.  Well done Michaela.

And finally, William Hulme, house captain for Tonbridge House has his first official duty as a Lord-Lieutenant's Cadet.  He will act as an aide to the Lord-Lieutenant at the Maidstone Remembrance Parade on Remembrance Sunday at the St George Memorial.  


Tuesday, 16 October 2018

Tuesday 16th October 2018

Despite it being the last week of the term this week is probably the busiest one so far this year.  Last night I attended the first Old Maidstonian Committee meeting and the Parents’ Association AGM; today is the second Year 6 Open Morning where we welcome once again parents of Year 6 boys to see the school at work, which will be followed by a governors meeting after school; Wednesday I am going into London to attend the Grammar School Heads’ Association October seminar and the annual drinks reception at the House of Commons; Thursday is our Year 6 Open Evening, which probably is the most important event of the year; and Friday is the first day of the half term holiday for the students but is the second Inset day of the year for the staff.  One busy week!
Congratulations to the U15 football squad who beat St Gregory's Catholic School of Tunbridge Wells 6 – 4 in the National Cup.  They came from behind twice and played really well.  Round 3 of the tournament awaits.  Good luck boys.
About a week ago a few MGS students were presented with the Young Leaders in Cricket Award at Lord’s cricket ground. Young Leaders in Cricket was set up in 2010 to give young people the skills to volunteer for their local cricket club and help grassroots cricket to thrive.  Jacques Hutchinson of Corpus Christi House, Ryan Ambanpola of Tonbridge House, Harrison Keeping also of Tonbridge House and James Poole of College House received their awards from the founder of the award Paul Daniels, Kent player Harry Podmore & Sky Sports presenter Matt Floyd.  Well done boys.
And finally well done to Cadet Yousif Egan of Corpus Christi House who made his first successful flight in a Grob Tutor last week.  His experience included taking control of the plane and completing the aerobatic manoeuvres wing-over and stall turns.  Congratulations Yousif.

Tuesday, 9 October 2018

Tuesday 9 October 2018

Sadly, the two sporting fixtures mentioned in last week’s blog did not end positively.  The 1st XI football squad lost 1 - 0 against our local grammar school Oakwood Park, and the 1st XV rugby squad lost their National Cup 26 - 10 against Sutton Valence.  Bad luck boys; there is still plenty of season left.


Thank you again to everyone who helped organise and supported the Barton House charity day on Friday.  Raising money for the NSPCC, students enjoyed a day in non-uniform and appreciated seeing staff and students embarrass themselves at the Disney Karaoke.  A good day.


Congratulations to Hamish Reilly of Corpus Christi House.  Last weekend he took part in the Super League Jersey Triathlon Elite Youth Event.  The event hosted competitors from across Europe selected by their national governing bodies and involved a continuous swim-bike-run repeated twice with only a few minutes between each stage.  Hamish finished in second place only missing out on gold by a couple of seconds.  The event rounded off Hamish’s excellent season where he finished second overall in the National Super Series.  Well done Hamish.


Today we welcome parents of Year 7 to attend the Year 7 Welcome and Information Evening.  Year 7 students have been Maidstonians now for 5 weeks and so this event tonight looks back on their time here and looks forward to what is expected this year.  In addition to this event, from now for the next two weeks all form tutors will be making contact with Year 7 parents inviting them in to touch base and share with them how the first few weeks have gone.  We hope that these meetings and tonight’s event are helpful in ensuring a smooth transition into Year 7.


On Thursday I meet the Parent Forum for the first time of the new academic year.  It is a chance for me to share a number of developments and understand the perspective of a parent as we continue to improve the school.


And on Friday the first of two Year 6 open mornings takes place.  It is that time of year when we open our doors to the wider community and invite Year 6 boys and their parents in to see what life is like at MGS.  These days are always incredibly busy, but also a pleasure, as we always enjoy showing others why we feel MGS is so special.


Tuesday, 2 October 2018

Tuesday 2 October 2018

I cannot believe we are in October already.  It does not seem a month since we returned from our summer holidays.


At the weekend it was the turn of the younger rugby squads to play at home, and their opposition was Simon Langton Grammar School.  Both squads played with great spirit and were well-supported by friends and family.  The U15 squad won 55 - 14 and U14 squad won 55 - 7.  Well done boys.  The senior players had a weekend’s grace before playing in the second round of the National Cup this Wednesday against Sutton Valance.  Good luck boys.


Continuing with sport, last Wednesday the 1st and 2nd XI football squads had matches against Norton Knatchbull and Queen Elizabeth grammar schools respectively.  The 1st XI drew 1 – 1 but the 2nd XI won 5 – 3.  Well done boys.  This week the 1st XI play Oakwood Park!  Let us hope they bring a win back with them.


Thank you to the many students, members of staff and parents who collectively enjoyed a cuppa and a slice of cake at last Friday’s MacMillan Coffee Morning.  It was such a pleasant atmosphere seeing the whole school community come together to support a worthy cause.  We raised £632.30.  Thank you.


During this week we invite parents of Year 10 to attend the Year 10 Information Evening.  This evening takes place on Wednesday at 7pm and it a chance for students and parents to understand what can be expected during the coming year. 


Friday is the first House charity day of the school year.  Barton House will be leading the way with a host of events to raise money for their chosen charity.  The main event, Disney Karaoke, will be taking place in the Big Hall at lunch.  The usual non-uniform arrangements will be in place.  Thank you in advance for the support and organisation for the day.