Tuesday, 8 May 2018

Tuesday 8 May 2018

I hope you all enjoyed the bank holiday weekend.

This week year 12 students are not in lessons as they are completing their Year 12 UCAS exams.  These exams, along with everything else this year, will help staff make their predictions for any future application to university.  Best wishes to all of Year 12.  

Also this week, year 11 students will be released at some point to begin their study leave before they start their exams next week.  We have now reached the ‘business end’ of the year and so we are seeing the students knuckle down to plenty of revision and preparation.  Good luck to them too.

On Thursday the school will be paying tribute to Thomas Walker, an Old Maidstonian who left in 2016, who sadly died a few weeks ago.  He was a committed Maidstonian who loved his school, and whilst here achieved Cadet in Charge of the Army Section of the CCF and Captain of Challenger House.  Many will miss him.

Since we returned to school after Easter we have been taking part in the national art exhibition, ‘There but not there’, to remember the many who lost their lives in the First World War.  To mark the 100th anniversary of the end of the war Perspex silhouettes sit in churches, schools and public buildings to acknowledge the hundreds of thousands of people who are ‘there, but not there’.  Thanks to Mrs Birrell, one of these silhouettes sits in our hall and will do so right up until the 11th November.  The students have responded to this as one would expect.

With the weather getting warmer we are looking forward to moving school assemblies to outside in the Quad.  I always look forward to Quad assemblies as they provide an opportunity to get the whole school together in one place.  It is hoped that the first Quad assembly will take place after the half term.

The better weather has also allowed the building contractors to crack on with the two building projects: the pavilion and the science and computing building.  The pavilion, we hope, will be handed over to the school at the end of June, just in time for Sports Day, and the science and computing building will be ready for the beginning of the next academic year in September.  They are both really coming along well.

Congratulations to Joe Gosney of Corpus Christi House.  He will be attending Buckingham Palace next week to receive his Duke of Edinburgh Gold award.  He has worked incredibly hard for over a year to achieve this prestigious award.  Well done Joe.