Tuesday, 6 March 2018

Tuesday 6 March 2018

It is good to be back to normality.  Last week's disruption due to the bad weather is fortunately rare, but when it happens, it causes problems.  As well as students missing lessons a number of events and meetings had to be cancelled and now need to be rescheduled.  Sadly lessons cannot be rescheduled, so I hope students were able to do what they could at home.  Thank you for your understanding during last week, and thank you to the many who made it in on Thursday.  I also again wish to thank the members of staff who helped clear the school site on Wednesday to allow us to open.


Sadly the weather did not improve enough to allow yesterday's CCF Biennial Inspection to take place.  60 cadets accompanied by members of staff and volunteers were due to take part providing an opportunity for our cadets to demonstrate to the inspecting officer how proud we are of our CCF.  We hope to reschedule. 


Thursday we invite parents of year 13 students into school to attend the Year 13 Parents' Evening.  It is the last opportunity parents will hear out their child's progress before final preparations are made for the summer examinations.  A busy few months ahead.


And on Friday the rescheduled Parents' Association Non-Uniform Day takes place to raise funds and generate items to support the MGS PA Spring Fair on Saturday 17 March.  Please do refer to a previous ParentMail to understand how you can support.