Tuesday, 12 December 2017

Tuesday 12 December 2017

I hope you all enjoyed the first snowfall of the year at the weekend.  Fortunately there was no need to shut the school!  Sadly, due to the inclement weather at the weekend all of the rugby matches against Judd were cancelled, which is a shame as many of the players look forward to the fixture.  Despite the cold weather the CCF Recruit Camp still too place.  Thank you to the members of staff and other volunteers who gave up their weekend to support the cadets.  I hope everyone was able to stay warm and dry.
Yesterday The Salvation Army Toy Appeal ended with all of the gifts being placed under the MGS Christmas tree before being delivered to the charity later in the afternoon.  Thank you so much to everyone who donated a present; once again we have been overwhelmed with the response.  As I mention this I also wish to thank Corpus Christi House for staging the Charity Day on Friday.  The total amount raised is still to be calculated, but many students and members of staff were getting involved throughout the day donating money.
With Christmas fast approaching there are a number of events coming up this week and next before we finish next Wednesday.  Last night the Parents' Association ran the annual wreath making event, which was again well attended.  Tonight the SLT enjoy a festive meal together after work, which will be followed by two days of Christmas lunches on Wednesday and Thursday served by Independent Catering.  And next Tuesday is the annual MGS Carol Service at All Saints Church starting at 7.30pm.  If you fancy singing a few carols and enjoying a mince pie and a glass of mulled wine then please do come along.

Also this week I held a Parent Forum meeting on Monday; parents of year 8 students will be invited in on Thursday to attend the Year 8 Information Evening to hear about the GCSE options process which begins straight after the Christmas holiday, and linked to this on Thursday and Friday Year 8 take part in their Careers Day where they begin to consider what kinds of things they would like to do after leaving school.
And on Friday we invite students and staff to wear their Christmas jumpers to raise money for Save The Children.  This has become an annual event in the MGS calendar which coincides with the national campaign to wear your Christmas jumpers to work.  Let's hope many join in.