Tuesday, 7 November 2017

7 November 2017

Firstly would like to thank everyone who supported the MGS PA Firework Display on Saturday.  The rain stopped just at the right time to allow us to enjoy a wonderful display.  Thank you to the Parents’ Association who organise this event each year.  It is their biggest fundraiser, and their support of the school is very much welcomed.  Thank you.

Yesterday our Area Education Officer, Mr Jared Nehra visited the school to see our new Performing Arts building.  He was instrumental in ensuring the local authority supported our building plans and so it was fitting that he visited us to see what we have been able to achieve.

Today, all of Year 12 take part in the Licence to Kill presentation that we do each year.  The presentation is delivered by KCC and is, I believe, the best PSHCE resource I have ever seen.  I know that the students will reflect on what they see and hear.

Thursday is our Post 16 Open Evening where many of our own Year 11 students and prospective students from other schools will visit to see if they would like to study A Levels at MGS.  The evening will involve the Subject Fair, tours of the school, and presentations by key staff illustrating why students should come to MGS.  The evening starts at 4.30pm.

Friday is a particularly busy but important.  In the morning we have our Remembrance Service commemorating the fallen Old Maidstonians from past conflicts, and in the afternoon Year 12 students receive congratulations and acknowledgment at the GCSE Certificate Presentation Afternoon where they will be presented with their GCSE certificates.