Tuesday, 26 September 2017

26 September 2017

Firstly I wish to congratulate the 1st XV Rugby Squad who played their first game of the season last Wednesday against Simon Langton Grammar School and won 70 - 0.  Yes 70 - 0.  What a great start to the season.  And this start continued at the weekend with every rugby squad beating Cranbrook School.  Well done lads.

Yesterday evening we welcomed parents of Year 9 boys to attend the Year 9 Information Evening.    Year 9 is an important one as it the year that sees the start of the GCSE process and with all GCSEs from now being assessed using the new measures, it is even more important to have such an evening.  I hope the evening was helpful.


Tonight after school sees the first full governing body meeting of the year.  It's more of an administration meeting, but it also provides an opportunity to reflect on last year and look forward to this one.


This Friday is a very important date in the MGS calendar; it is the Macmillan Coffee Morning.  Each year we acknowledge the event by holding our own ‘coffee’ morning, and it is always very well supported.  Last year we opened our doors to the wider community and a number of parents and Old Maidstonians joined us over a cup of coffee and a slice of cake.  If you are able to please do join us from 10.30am on Friday.


Finally, good luck to the boys who are taking part in the Duke of Edinburgh Weekend this weekend.  I hope the weather holds out for you and you don’t get lost somewhere in the Kent Countryside.