Tuesday, 27 June 2017
Tuesday 27 June 2017
There are now only
four weeks to go until the end of the year, but nothing is slowing down. This
week is a very busy one. Yesterday and Thursday we welcome a gentleman to the
school who is currently undergoing his NPQH: the qualification required for
headship. He will be spending 9 days in school over the next few months, and
the two days this week involve him shadowing me, attending SLT meetings and
working on a project that provides him with a contrast to his current school.
Yesterday I also met with the Head of a local primary school to chat about how
we can both learn from each other’s experiences and give us a different
perspective to our schools. It was very helpful. This week public
examinations finish after six busy weeks for a number of students. With
the examinations finishing, students in Years 11 and 13 are invited back into
school to return their textbooks. For Year 11 that day is Thursday and
for Year 13 it is tomorrow. To coincide with Year 13 book collection we
also invite Year 13 to stay in school for a little longer and attend their
Leavers' Tea: an opportunity to catch up once more over some strawberries and
cream and a glass of punch. Year 11's book collection takes place on
Thursday morning as the rest of that day and Friday we run our Pre Sixth Form
Induction Days. Over these two days, students wishing to take up a place in
the Sixth Form here spend time in school learning about the subjects they have
chosen and hearing from key staff about life after GCSEs. On Friday this
week, I am out of school attending two meetings: the Kent Schools’ Funding
Forum and the Kent and Medway Grammar Schools' Association. Both meetings
are incredibly valued as they provide opportunities to meet colleagues from
across the county and learn about a number of important matters that affect our
schools. Also on Friday, the Parents’ Association are putting on an
ABBA tribute night. About 100 tickets have been sold already, but there
is still time and availability if you fancy a night dancing to some ABBA
classics. The evening includes a BBQ and starts at 7.30pm. Congratulations
to Kaan Belton (OM 2015) who qualified to row in this week’s Henley Royal
Regatta, the most prestigious rowing event in the World. He is rowing for
Maidstone Invicta Rowing Club, in a coxless 4, and has a pretty good chance for
progressing past the first round in the competition. Well done and good
luck Kaan. And finally, Teddy Ostler of Year 7 coxed a J14 crew on Saturday for
the South East at Peterborough Junior Regatta, and after a long hard gruelling
day with wins under his belts progressed to the final and won gold. Well
done Teddy.