Tuesday, 28 February 2017

28 February 2017

This week students from Year 11 continue to meet with key staff to discuss their thoughts about life after the GCSE examinations.  The advice and guidance we give students throughout school, particularly at this stage is crucial.  It is hoped that many of the boys decide to remain at MGS and continue their studies here.

Last night and tonight I am meeting with a group of parents who wanted to come into school and ask questions regarding our imminent expansion plans and decision to reshape our pastoral and house structures.  Last night went well and I look forward to meeting different parents tonight.  If you would like to come along then please do.  The evening begins and 6pm and will last about an hour.

Last week I had the pleasure in appointing Kristian Szwedziuk and Lex Delamere-Ayling as the new School Captain and School Vice-Captain respectively.  This week I launched to the rest of Year 12 the Student Leadership Prefect Team application process.  Students will have the next two weeks to write a letter of application if they wish to be considered.  It is hoped that a decision of who will be selected will be made by the third week of March. 

This Friday the Parents' Association is hosting a Jam Tribute Night, one of a number of new events this year.  The evening starts at 7.30pm.  Do come along.