Tuesday, 8 November 2016

8 November 2016

Firstly I wish to thank the Parents’ Association and all the student and staff helpers who contributed to the MGS PA Firework Display on Saturday.  The PA Firework Display is the biggest PA event of the year raising a lot of money that supports numerous projects within the school.  Thank you all very much, and thank you to the many hundreds of you that came along to watch.  I hope you had an enjoyable evening.

On Saturday I, along with Mr Kincaid, Ms Edmundson and Ms Adams, attended the 60th Anniversary of the Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme at Detling Hill Showground.  The event was put on to mark the anniversary and to thank the many hundreds of volunteers who support the young people of Kent achieve the award.  There were many schools represented illustrating the impact the award has had in Kent over the years.

On Sunday four students from Year 13 took part in the Docklands Head rowing race.  Dan Jones, Sam Bashford, Stephen Mackie and Richard Reardon, coxed by Mrs Birrell, raced as Maidstone Grammar School coming 28th overall out of over 150 different boats.  The boys raced the rough and difficult 2750m course in 11 minutes and 18 seconds.  Well done boys.
The big event this week is the Post 16 Open Evening which takes place on Wednesday.  It provides an opportunity for current Maidstonians in Year 11 and numerous students from other schools to visit MGS and see what we offer in our Sixth Form.  There will be a variety of subject displays and exhibitions, staff and students on hand to provide information and answer any questions about specific A-Levels, and three presentations from myself, Mr Smith and Dr Everett on life at MGS as a sixth form student.  The evening begins at 4.30pm. 

On Thursday I am attending a conference in London looking at how schools support young people develop good levels of resilience and mental health. We as a school are restructuring our pastoral system this year ready for when we expand in the future, and part of this restructure is looking at how we can continually support our students develop sound levels of resilience and mental health.  I hope to bring back some good ideas and which can be adopted into what we are already doing. And on Friday this week a number of governors are coming into school to spend the day seeing what we do on a typical day, receive some training in order they are kept up-to-date with the numerous educational changes and to attend our annual Remembrance Service.  Each year we remember the Old Maidstonians that lost their lives during conflict and this year the service will be held in the School Hall in front of the WWI Memorial Boards to acknowledge the 100 Anniversary of The Battle of The Somme.