Tuesday, 20 September 2016

20 September 2016

Following the lovely, but very warm, weather during the early part of last week, it was a shame that the weather took a turn for the worse and required us to move Upper School Speech Day into the School Hall rather than enjoying the occasion in the Quad.  We also had to adjust our plans for the Beginning of Year Service and bring elements of All Saints Church to MGS and hold three slightly shorter services in the School Hall.  Despite the inclement weather the day went off very well; the Service and Speech Day were wonderful occasions and I am sure that many of the student body enjoyed an afternoon off school!  Thank you to everyone who was involved in either event, particularly Rev Canon Sewell who performed the morning service and Mr Ben Wharfe who was the guest of honour at Speech Day.

At the weekend the 1st XI Football Squad played Sir Joseph Williamson's Mathematical School and won 2 - 1.  Thank you to Jordan Chambers (OM 2016) for refereeing the day before he goes off to university, and well done boys for another win, following last Wednesday's win beating Rainham Mark School 5 - 4.  Also at the weekend many of the senior rugby squad attended a training session in preparation for their first match of the season tomorrow against Simon Langton, and a number of the CCF cadets, over 80 in fact, spent the day at school enjoying a day’s worth of different activities.

From this week I am spending some time meeting with every Year 12 student to share with them how the School will be evolving over the next couple of years.  We are embarking on an exciting period for the School and it is important that the whole student body understands what is happening and why.  I hope the sessions help and provide greater understanding in what is going to be happening.

Tonight we welcome Year 11 parents who will be attending their son's parents' evening and tomorrow we open our doors to students across Maidstone who wish to attend our University Fair.  Over 50 universities across the entire country will be here providing information and literature about themselves and the numerous courses they offer.  This is the third year MGS is hosting such an event, and if the last two years are anything to go by, the event tomorrow will be extremely busy and informative to all who come.  Bring a large bag to take home all of the many prospectuses.

 And on Thursday this week we invite Year 13 parents into school to meet with their child’s form teacher to discuss the next stages of the UCAS process.  It is this time of year when the students complete their personal statements and we complete their references before the deadline later this term.  We introduced this event a couple of years ago and the comments we receive from everyone involved are overwhelming positive.  I hope the day is helpful.