Tuesday, 21 June 2016

Tuesday 21 June 2016

Despite the grey clouds on Saturday, many parents and students turned out for the annual Parents’ Association Summer Fete.  The students enjoyed the football competition, the tug of war and the inflatable assault course; and the parents enjoyed wandering about the stalls, picking up the odd purchase and enjoying a cup of tea and a piece of cake.  Thank you so much to the Parents’ Association for organising the event, the team of sixth formers who helped throughout the day, and the many of you who came along to support.

Over the last couple of weeks I, along with a number of members of staff, have been making visits to primary schools to meet every year 6 boy who is joining MGS from September.  I always look forward to going out and visiting these boys; it not only offers an opportunity to get to know someone and provide them with a recognisable face when they arrive, but it also reminds me of how primary and secondary schools differ and the need to ensure that our induction process supports that transition. 

Last night we all enjoyed the annual MGS Art Exhibition and the newly created Performing Arts Showcase.  It was an evening where students who excel in creativity were able to show off their talents and be recognised and acknowledged.  Both events were a joy to experience; thank you to the staff that helped organise them; and thank you and well done to all the students who took part in some way.  Tomorrow we welcome back Year 13 to the School to attend their Leavers’ Tea.  It is a final chance for the School to say goodbye to the year group before they finish their examinations and enjoy a well-deserved summer holiday.  We hope to see many there.

As one year group leaves the Sixth Form, we turn to welcome a new one.  This week we invite the current Year 11 students, accompanied by students who are wishing to join MGS in September, to attend the two day Pre Sixth Form Induction event.  Transition into the Sixth Form can be a big step, so it is important we ease that process as much as possible.  The two days provide the students with an insight of what to expect and gives them an opportunity to get to know each other a little before starting in September.  We look forward to seeing them all later this week.

Next week is Extended Learning Week for Years 7 to 10 and work experience for Year 12.  Numerous activities will be taking place in and around school with students from different ages working together.  This is the fourth year we have run the event, and it always proves to be a memorable week for many.  I hope everyone enjoys the week. 

Finally, the MGS Mock EU Referendum is taking place on Thursday.  Ballot papers will be available in the School Hall at break and lunch to cast your vote.  Do come along.