Tuesday, 24 May 2016

24 May 2016

Yesterday the entire Senior Leadership Team spent a day away from school reflecting on how the School has evolved during this last year and how it can continue to develop.  Last year we created the 2020 Vision: a direction MGS would now be following over the next few years to ensure it continues to grow in strength.  It was a rewarding day with many conversations being had covering a number of areas of the School.  We look forward to sharing a number of these discussions over the coming months.

As well as our day yesterday, the rest of this week is a busy one for me and a number of other members of staff.  I am hoping to secure a couple of staffing vacancies that we have for September.  Every year a small number of staff members leave the MGS community for pastures new, so final arrangements to ensure we are fully staffed for September always take place during the last few weeks of May. 

Tonight is the last Full Governing Body Meeting of the academic year.  At the meeting a number of key matters about the School will be discussed and I am sure a number of discussions the SLT had at yesterday’s Away Day will be mentioned.

Since January I have been spending some time in each department popping in to lessons, talking with staff and students, and just establishing a general feel of what is going on.  I have already seen some excellent practice across the School and this week I am spending time in ICT & Computing, Film & Media, Geography and Classics.

The week after half term is the week of internal examinations for Years 7, 9, 10 and 12.  Plenty of revision is going on around the School to ensure everyone is prepared and staff are also making their final arrangements to ensure the examination week goes as smoothly as possible.  I am sure plenty of revision will also be going on over the half term.