Tuesday, 12 April 2016

Tuesday 12 April 2016

Welcome back to the Summer Term; I hope you all had a good Easter Holiday.  We come back to school to a week when we welcome back many former students to three specific Old Maidstonian events.  The first event takes place today when we invite last year's Year 13 cohort to their A-Level Presentation Evening to be presented with their A-Level certificates.  Tomorrow at 2.30pm the Old Boys' Rugby and Football matches take place when former students who played for their school enjoy a 'friendly' game with the current school teams.  We look forward to two school wins!  And finally on Friday we welcome back over 100 former students at the Old Maidstonian Annual Supper.  It is always a wonderful event seeing the School Hall filled with former students reminiscing over their school days and catching up with old friends.  This year is particularly special as it sees the beginning of Neil Turrell's presidency of the Old Maidstonian Society.  We look forward to seeing him again.

Next week is also a busy one.  On Monday parents of Year 7 come into school and attend their son's Parents' Evening meeting their son's teachers for the first time since they joined back in September; and on Wednesday we welcome parents of the Year 6 boys who successfully gained a place at MGS to attend our Year 6 Induction Evening.  Not only is that evening an opportunity for the boys and their parents to begin their MGS journey, but it also signifies the end of office of the current School Captain and School Vice Captain and the beginning for the new incumbents.  It is tradition that the out-going captains ring the HMS Maidstone bell that hangs in the School Lobby to signify the exact time when they hand over the reins to the new captains.  All of the out-going and in-coming senior prefects will be present to witness this poignant and sometimes emotional occasion. Once again I would like to thank Harry Webster and Alex Harwood for doing to tremendous job this year and best wishes to Tom Lindsey and Joshua Gray who have the next year to look forward to.