Tuesday, 10 November 2015

10 November 2015

A huge thank you to everyone who came along on Saturday night to support the MGS Parents’ Association annual Firework Display.  Once again it was a huge success both in terms of raising a significant amount of money for the School and also bringing members of the School Community together.  The display was the best I have seen and the attendance was much higher than previous years.  The event would not be possible if it were not for the hard work and support many members of the Parents’ Association give; thank you all ever so much.
Last Thursday was the Post 16 Open Evening, aimed at Year 11 students both from MGS and other schools who are thinking about A-Level studies.  It was very well attended and hopefully informative giving details of specific subjects, what to expect at MGS's 6th Form and the application process.  Many thanks to the 6th Form students who helped out; all were a credit to the School.
Wednesday this week is a very important day for the School.  Our present and future is about reflecting on the past and appreciating our history, so 11th November is integral to what we do.  At around 10.40am there will be a small service in the School Hall in front of the WWI Memorial Boards to remember all Old Maidstonians who lost their lives in combat.  During the last few weeks CCF cadets have been going round the School selling poppies, and many hundreds of students are proudly wearing theirs each day, and this week Mrs Sewell, the Deputy Head, is giving the assembly on the theme of Remembrance.  We will continue to remember.
Friday is also an important day when we acknowledge BBC Children In Need.  There will be number of events during the day to raise money for the charity alongside the normal Charity Day arrangement of non-uniform.  I encourage all students to get involved, and that way we can raise a large amount for what is an important cause.  The theme for the day is, 'Wear Something Yellow or Spotty'.
To complement this Headmaster's Blog there will soon be a Student Blog where news and chat from a student perspective will be posted for all to read.  A small group of Year 8 students have come up with the idea themselves and only last night did they pitch it to me and the Senior Leadership Team.  I commend them on their passion and interest for the concept and their ability to present it in front of us all.  We all look forward to the first edition which will probably be in January.
Finally, congratulations to Oliver Leyland of Year 10 who has been selected for the London Broncos Rugby League Scholarship Programme.  This is in addition to the Saracens Kent Elite Squad that he is already a part of.  Well done Oli.