Tuesday, 20 October 2015

20 October

We have now reached that time of the academic year when we look to the next one.  Last Friday we opened our doors to perspective Maidsonians.  Many Year 6 boys and their parents visited the School to decide which school they wish to go to next year.  Sadly the weather was against us, but that did not stop a large number of potential applicants making the visit.  We do exactly the same again today, holding our second Open Morning.  This Thursday is the biggest and most important day in the calendar: our Year 6 Open Evening.  Following the two Open Mornings when people can see the School at work, the Open Evening provides an opportunity for us to put on a number of exhibitions exhibiting all our different subject areas and elements of our extra-curricular programme.  It also provides me with an opportunity to share with everyone the many qualities of the School that we are proud of and give a flavour of the culture, traditions and history that we cherish.  As always though, the many, many students who help during the evening are the best people to sell the School.  Thank you in advance for their help and the hard work the staff put in to prepare for the evening.

At the same time of year as we invite future Maidstonians to visit the School, we also invite parents of our newest Maidstonians to come into school, meet their son's form tutor, hear from key staff, and see where their son is taught each day.  Last Tuesday almost all parents of Year 7 attended the Year 7 Welcome Evening.  It was a very positive event and one where parents saw how their MGS journey is beginning to develop.  Thank you to everyone who came in.
Last night was the Parents' Association AGM.  The Parents' Association once again had a very good year raising nearly £24,000 and supported a number of good projects witihn the School that improve the experience for the students.  Purchasing an additional laser cutter for the D&T Department, buying Samba music equipment for the Performing Arts Department, increasing the resources available in the Art Department and making a contribution to the equipment kept in the School's new Aerobic Fitness room. The biggest event the Parents' Association organise during the year is nearly upon us.  Saturday 7th November is the date for the MGS PA Firework Display.  Gates open at 6.00 with fireworks beginning at 7.00pm.  Please do come along, and bring your friends and extended family to enjoy a fine display.

Finally, well done to Finlay Lodge of Year 8 who took part in the European Karate Championships last week.  He won two Individual Bronze medals and one Team Silver.  This is tremendous news.  Congratulations Finlay.
Have a good half term.