Tuesday, 22 October 2024

Tuesday 22 October 2024

Welcome to my last blog of Term 1 – I cannot believe it is eight weeks since we started the new academic year back at the start of September.  Firstly, I would like to thank the year 7 guides, sixth form prefects and all the staff for their contributions to yesterday's and last week’s 11+ Open Mornings.  Many prospective students and their families came round the school to see what we do and get an understanding of what it is like being a Maidstonian.  The big day for MGS is however this Thursday when those same families visit the school once more and attend the 11+ Opening Evening.  Usually, over 1000 people come round the school on the night to see more of what we do and hear from me about what life is like being associated to MGS.  Thank you in advance for everyone associated with the school and the contributions they will make.

Last Thursday after school I had the pleasure of enjoying the U16 football match where we beat Tunbridge Wells Grammar School 4 – 2 on penalties.  At full-time it was 1 – 1, and so the gathered crowd, as well as the players and coaches, had to endure a nerve-wracking penalty shoot-out between the two teams.  Fortunately, we came out the winners, mainly due to the two fantastic saves by Spencer, the U16 goalkeeper.  Well done to the entire squad.

Also, well done to the senior rugby players who came through a difficult Saturday rugby fixture against Chislehurst and Sidcup Grammar School.  Both the 1st and 2nd XV squads won their respective matches, but did cause the watching fans to go through a few tense periods when we were up against it.  Good job boys.

Tuesday, 15 October 2024

Tuesday 15 October 2024

I must start this blog by recognising and acknowledging the amazing camaraderie and support seen right across the school during last week’s Ofsted inspection.  I was in my office on Monday morning when the phone call came in, and straight away the school rose to the occasion and stepped up to show the inspectors the many reasons why being associated with this school is very special.  The feedback from the inspectors was incredibly humbling to hear, and the views from staff, students and parents were extremely positive.  Thank you everyone for what ended up being a very positive experience.

Well done to the 1st and 2nd XV rugby squads who beat Cranbrook School at the weekend.  It was a fine display of rugby, and it was made even better with a few Old Maidstonians making the journey back to MGS to watch their fellow Maidstonians.  Thank you to the staff who continue to support the players.

This week is the beginning of a two-week period where we open our doors to the wider community and invite them in to see what we do. Thursday is the first of two Year 5 & 6 Open Mornings that we are holding before we break up for the October half term.  Prospective Maidstonians and their parents will be coming round the school and getting a taste of what life is like at MGS.  Thank you in advance to the prefects and year 7 students who will be acting as guides.

Also, this week we are going to be enjoying an evening of performance at the MGS Autumn Showcase.  Many of our budding musicians and actors will take to the stage and offer the audience a variety of performances that I am sure they will enjoy.  Do come along on Wednesday at 6.30pm.  Thank you to Mrs Brooks, Mr Bourne and Mrs Edwards for supporting the students over the last few weeks whilst they rehearsed.

Tuesday, 8 October 2024

Tuesday 8 October 2024

Firstly, I would like to congratulate Owen of Year 13 and Barton House who, over the last few days, has been competing in the 2024 Commonwealth Weightlifting Championships in South Africa.  I am delighted to say that he achieved second place in the 93kg Junior category securing a silver medal.  Owen has been weightlifting for a few years now, and to be selected to compete for England in the Championships was an achievement in itself, but to win a silver medal illustrates not only his ability but his commitment to the sport.  Well done Owen - we are very proud of you.

At the weekend we saw the first home game for the senior rugby players as the 1st, 2nd and 3rd XVs took on Sir Joseph Williamson Mathematical School.  Results were mixed, but it was good to have a large crowd watching, and the bacon and sausage sandwiches supplied by the Parents’ Association went down well.

On Friday last week our newest Maidstonians from years 7 and 12 joined together to learn the history and words of the school song, Gaudeamus.  Led by the Prefect Team, the students gave a fine rendition of our school song that has been part of MGS since 1908.

Throughout this week we will be launching to the school community how MGS is acknowledging Black History Month.  Miss Johnson, the deputy head, will be leading four house assemblies on the theme of Reclaiming Narrative.  In addition to this our library staff have created a huge display of books that might be interesting for our students to read: books that have been written by Black authors as well as books that feature stories associated with Black history.

Tuesday, 1 October 2024

Tuesday 1 October 2024

Firstly, I would like to congratulate Toby of Year 12 and Tonbridge House who has successfully passed his audition for the National Youth Orchestra (NYO). This is a huge achievement as it is where the top young players in the country play at events such as the BBC Proms.  Well done Toby.

Congratulations to the 1st XV rugby squad who won their National Cup match last week against The Duke of York School 19 – 13.  The squad has had a good start to the year, and so let us hope the players continue this good start and have more success as the season progresses.  Also, well done to the U16 XI football squad who played in the first round of the National Cup last night beating Tunbridge Wells Grammar School 4 - 2.  It was a well-fought game and played in good spirits and was supported by a number of staff and students who stayed to enjoy the game.  Good job.

Thank you to the many parents and friends of the school who came in last Friday to enjoy the Macmillan Coffee Morning with us.  Over 50 people from the wider school community joined the many Maidstonians, staff and students who took part in our first charity day of the year.  Lots of cake was eaten, and, with the non-uniform contributions, we raised just over £2000 for the charity.  Thank you to all the staff and prefects who helped organise the day.

This week will be the fourth training session for the students wishing to go on next year’s Harvard Model United Nations Conference.  Each week about 25 year 12 students remain in school until about 5pm undergoing essential training to help them prepare for the conference.  They debate an array of global issues such as healthcare across the world to the causes of the recent UK riots.  Thank you to the School Captain as well as Mr Andrews and Mrs Van Mol for supporting.

On Thursday this week we welcome to the school parents and carers of Year 7 to attend the Year 7 Welcome Evening.  After five weeks, our newest Maidstonians have settled in well and got used to the MGS way of doing things, and so this event is for the parents and carers of Year 7 to understand what those four weeks have looked like, and what things they can look forward to.