Tuesday, 28 February 2023

Tuesday 28 February 2023

Following last week’s school captain and school vice-captain interviews, I am delighted to announce that Rafe Lamb and Jess Riedl, both of Year 12, will be taking on the respective roles for the 2023-24 academic year.  Congratulations to them both, and well done to the other shortlisted candidates who did extremely well reaching the final eight. 

Congratulations must also go to the MGS Senior Hockey Squad who won their third game of the season beating Ashford School 5:0.  That is a 100% record so far.  Well done to the players and thank you to Mrs Cook for supporting them.

This week it is the turn of for year 13 students to complete their second set of mock examinations.  With only three months before the A-Level examinations, this set of mock examinations marks the beginning of the ‘business end of the year’.  Good luck to them all, and let us hope the revision for the summer is well underway!


Tuesday, 21 February 2023

Tuesday 21 February 2023

Welcome back to school and to Term 4; I hope you had a good half term break. 

Firstly, I would like to thank the entire school community for supporting the non-uniform day that we had on Friday 10 February in aid of the DEC Turkey-Syria Earthquake Appeal.  Since that day we have watched the story unfold, seeing images of both hope and despair of the many millions of people who have been impacted.  Thank you MGS.

We return to school this week with three weeks of internal examinations.  Years 11 and 13 go through another set of mock examinations following their first set before Christmas, and Year 9 complete their examinations during the second week of March.  Good luck to them all.

It is at this time of year when I spend a couple of days interviewing candidates for next year’s school captain and school vice-captain roles. This week I am interviewing eight shortlisted candidates from an original group of 25 applicants to see who will take over from Ethan and Sam from April.  I will announce the two successful candidates in next week’s blog.

Tuesday, 7 February 2023

Tuesday 7 February 2023

Firstly, I would like to thank everyone who attended the MGS Parents’ Association Quiz Night last Friday.  Fun was had by all, with the Hudson family beating the Senior Leadership Team by one point!  Congratulations to the Hudson family.  A huge thank you must go to the Parents’ Association, the sixth form helpers, and to Mrs Friend for supporting the event.

I would also like to congratulate College House for their charity day which I mentioned in last week’s blog.  The charity day on Friday 26 January was for the British Heart Foundation, and after adding up all the money a total of over £2600 was raised.  Well done to College House, and to Mr Hughes, Miss Dimmick and the College House prefects for their efforts.

But a huge congratulations must go to the Senior Hockey Squad who played their first game last Wednesday in over 15 years.  Not only was it their first game, it was also their first win, beating Gravesend Grammar School 4 – 3.  Well done to the players and thank you Mr Saunders and Mrs Cook for training them.

Yesterday, parents of year 12 students attended our UCAS Information Evening: an evening to learn more about the UCAS process that will begin in earnest very soon.  Thank you for coming, and I hope that the evening was informative.

This week we enjoy the Upper School Spelling Bee where our senior students compete against each other to find the best speller amongst them.  Good luck to everyone who is taking part; and thank you to Miss Wilson for once again organising the competition.

Wednesday is another evening for parents, but this time for parents of Year 8 at the Year 8 Parents’ Evening.  It is at this time of the year when year 8 students begin the process of choosing their options, and so Wednesday’s parents’ evening is suitably positioned to help parents and students make informed choices.

And, on Friday, a group of students in years 7 and 8 fly out to Italy to have a long weekend learning more about Pompeii and what life was like for Romans when Pompeii was destroyed in the eruption of Mt Vesuvius.  I am sure they will have wonderful time.  Thank you to Ms Adams for organising the trip.